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воскресенье, 26 декабря 2010 г.

[Fixed] Wake-on-Lan (WoL) and Windows 7

Hello dear friends! Despite of this blog is about open source and Linux I decided to share some thoughts about my last "pain in the arse" with Windows 7.

So, to be short - I have a host PC with Windows 7 64bit and I generaly like it. One day I decided that it would be great to wake my PC while I'm at work if I have to do some home work that's not possible or prohibited at my workplace.
I have H57 chipset motherboard and i5 661 processor. Well, after setting all BIOS setting (here disable all "Green" features):
- enable S3 in the power options;
- enable all wake timers;

The most interesting and "happy" moment I got at the Windows part of the preparation. You see, Windows 7 is a lot greeneer than Vista. It even doesn't have hibernate mode enabled by default. So, after some googling I did these steps:
- first of all, updated my Ethernet card drivers to the more recent ones (look for yours at www.station-drivers.com)
- unchecked the 1st and 3rd checkboxes in the "Power management" tab in the Ethernet adapter settings (they said something like "Allow device to be powered down to save energy" and "Allow wake.... only with magic packet..") Yes, remove the "magic packet option here, but enable all Wake on lan featured in the "Advanced" tab in the Network card configuration window;
- in Control Panel > Power option open your Power plan, then click on "Change additional power options" and look for a parameter named "Enable hybrid sleep mode" under Sleep submenu and turn it off;
- in the same Advanced power options menu look for disabling all power saving modes for USB and PCI Express buses;
- if you like hibernate mode - open command line with administrative privileges and run "powercfg /hibernate on" command

So, that is. I use online Wake on lan feature (www.wakeonlan.me) and it works for me pretty well FTM. However your ISP or your router may prevent the WoL packets to be received by your network card so that another theme which is outside of this article.


PS. Windows 7 FTW ;)
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